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We’re witnessing the fulfilling of the Great Commission

Elim Cambodia, an Elim Global Partner, is running church planting training, equipping leaders to fulfil their ‘One Village, One Church’ vision. They sent Direction a report of their recent seminars held in January

Church planting training
It was a wonderful start for the future leaders of the church planting movement as 28 were present in the two-day, module-one seminar, with 19 trainees, three visitors, one assistant and the host and team who travelled from the capital Phnom Penh and other regions. The trainees were composed of 18 men and one woman who come from different churches and tribal groups. We had three different tribal groups attend the training.

One of the joys we are blessed with is the response of the trainees. Even with the difficulty of language barriers, they clearly understood the importance of the Great Commission and their role in it, and groups are excited to move further on. The most encouraging thing is the unity of these potential leaders working together regardless of their tribal differences, because of their identity in Christ.

Trainees’ response
The greatest joy we praise God for is that the trainees responded very positively. Their response to the points in the lessons is that they are already putting themselves in the future endeavour in relation to what they were hearing.

Though mostly younger people with little experience in sharing the gospel, they have received a tool that they will use to begin doing that. Our desire to finish the training of four modules this year, we believe, will give them the whole picture and enable them to accomplish the united vision: ‘One Village, One Church’.

Church on the farm
Before the team travelled to Phnom Penh, we went to meet a young pastor on his farm. He manages a six-hectare farm of various fruit trees and a cashew nut plantation.

Every Sunday he gathers his farm workers to worship – up to 200 attendees pre-Covid, and he built a worship hall in the middle of his farm. He is wi l l ing to work with El im church planters in the future, looking forward to the training and discipleship of his farm workers. We praise God for this – another opportunity to work together with fellow workers. Meeting this pastor was not by chance – we confidently believe that we were led to visit him. All glory and honour goes to God for his work as we witness the fulfilling of the Great Commission.

Chamnap Seang is National Leader of Elim Cambodia

This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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