Awakening healthy leaders

In a season where Christian leadership is under more pressure than ever, we need to lead from a place of confidence, wisdom, spiritual, emotional, and physical health. This demands a fresh approach to face up to the challenges of this profound call to Christian ministry.

The self-aware leader

Effective leadership hinges upon a profound understanding of oneself. Dave Newton, National Director of Scripture Union, and Nicole Le Goupillot, Minister at Eldad Elim Church, Guernsey, in their session entitled The Self-Aware Leader, delve into how God shapes us and how our inherent characteristics impact those we lead and work alongside. Through self-awareness, leaders can leverage their strengths and navigate potential blind spots, fostering more cohesive team dynamics.

Leadership health in every season

The demands of leadership fluctuate over time. Leon Evans, Lead Pastor at Lifecentral Church, and Shirene Agbelusi, Associate Pastor at Coventry Elim and member of Elim's National Women's Ministry Team, equip leaders for the long term in their session Leadership Stamina: Ensuring Wellbeing for the Long Haul. They explore strategies for sustaining well-being throughout ministry, ensuring a leader functions optimally through various challenges and successes.

The safe and secure leader

Effective leaders inspire confidence and provide clear direction, while simultaneously respecting those they lead. The Secure and Trusted Leader, presented by Stuart Blount, Director of Ministry at Elim, and Malcolm Duncan, Lead Pastor at Dundonald Elim and Chair of Agora, explores leading with both strength and sensitivity. This session offers valuable insights into fostering a secure and trusting environment where teams can flourish.

By prioritising self-care and cultivating healthy habits, you become a more resilient and impactful leader. Elim is committed to supporting you on this journey.

These insightful sessions took place at Elim Leaders Summit 2024. To equip yourself by securing your place at Elim Leaders Summit 2025, click here.

The importance of consecration
General Superintendent Mark Pugh believes the Lord is calling us to get on our knees and reframe our lives
Playing with broken strings
You might not feel like a finely tuned instrument in God’s orchestra, but you can still make music for the Kingdom, writes Eric Gaudion
Here I am Lord, send me!
What’s a short-term mission trip like? Exhausting, heart-rending, profound and life-changing, says Helen Cobham
A storm is coming...
While teaching on Jonah at the recent Elim Network One conference, the Evangelical Alliance’s Gavin and Anne Calver tag-teamed the preaching
Be nurtured by nature
Ishbel Straker explores prioritising outdoor time for enhanced mental health and wellbeing in ministry

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