Hand fence

My journey so far

Liam Husband reveals how he came to know Jesus after being jailed for armed robbery.

At ten years old my time was spent in the park with older kids around me.

Everything they did, I did, just for their acceptance.

This meant that whatever was put in front of me, I never refused. First gas, then cannabis, then alcohol.

By the age of 16, I had tried most drugs. I loved the escape they gave me, I felt safe in the bubble wrap of emotion which meant any abuse directed my way had little effect. I’d learned to cope my way.

Needless to say, school wasn’t the top of my priorities, just the consumption of whatever poison I could get.

I was kicked out of school in year eleven.

For six months, I was sectioned after trying to hang myself. I simply didn’t want to live.

At 19, I was sentenced to two and a half years for armed robbery and kidnapping.

The first night in the prison was a blur, but I remember the door closing, and my life flashed before me. This was never the plan.

On my release, I was straight back into it with some kind of death wish. I started injecting heroin and smoking crack cocaine. I would take any opportunity in front of me to get the money I needed for drugs.

Two prison sentences later, and after another failed suicide attempt, something changed within me. I knew I needed to change, so I did everything I could to get into rehab.


Then I was given a brochure by my chemist for a rehab in Shropshire run by Christians.

In September 2006, I nervously entered drug treatment.

For the first time in my life, I felt safe. The staff were amazing and lived out their faith. It compelled me to attend church and Alpha.

The truth of the gospel took over my life, Jesus began a work in me, and in April 2007, I was baptised in the Rupununi River in Guyana.

Whilst there I felt God call me into ministry. I graduated from Redcliffe College in 2010.

In the last 16 years, I have seen Jesus restore my life first-hand. I’m married with four amazing children. I love what I do, serving the community of Bournemouth at Hope Community Church.

Today, more than ever, people need community and they need to hear the gospel. There is no better high than seeing Jesus change lives, restore what was broken, and set people free.

This article first appeared in the September 2022 issue of Direction, Elim’s monthly magazine. Subscribe now to get Direction delivered directly to your home.

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Future Events

Friday 26 April 2024 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Men, join us for a curry night in the church building.

This will be an opportunity for you to fellowship with other men in the church and bring your sons (or other relatives) plus guests from outside the church. Mark Lyndon-Jones, Elim’s director of men’s ministry will be speaking.

Your ticket will be £10.00 (£5 for those aged 65 or over). If you bring a guest from outside the church the cost is £5.00 per ticket.

Please sign up using this link if you would like to join us and don’t forget to register for the men’s regional conference that’s on the following day!

Saturday 27 April 2024 8:30am – 1:00pm

Men, join us for an MPower Regional Men’s Conference with Mark Lyndon-Jones, Elim’s director of men’s ministry.

Come early at 8:30am for a turkey bacon/sausage sarnie!

If you would like to join us, please sign up using the form below and don’t forget to sign up for the curry night that’s on the day before!

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